Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Johnny Session 0

Ok, tomorrow i'll be having session with Johnny (not real name). I saw him today. He was pretty good except for some short period of fussing during the session. He used to cry alot when i first had him but his behaviour is better now even though he still cries occasionally. (As one can see, these kids all behave pretty bad at first but have all improved after the therapy begins). Johnny cant really talk, however he can make some sounds. We teaching him to make some "verbal imitation" ie Aaa, Eee, Baa. This will later lead him to say some proper word. I really hope that one day he will call my name=). Anyway, he's a smart kid. He has learnt quite a few words ie ball, car, playdoh. (once again, this is considered to be easy for a regular kid but not to someone with ASD). Also he has learnt to understand basic instruction like "stand up", "clap hands" and "turn around" Overall, he is improving and less rigid these days. Hope that i'll have a great session with him tomorrow.

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