Saturday, September 30, 2006

Ivan update and some questions regarding on the new programs (29/09/06)

This is an update on Ivan to my fellow therapists and my program supervisor:

Hey all, Ivan was not really good today. He didnt get to
go to the park and only got the 4 blue tokens once.

Easy worksheets: He was not doing it correctly so he got to trace
the line. And for tracing the line, he didnt do it nicely too (didnt
trace it on the line). So i made him do it over and over again. And
everytime he traced the line, i would ask him whether it's nice to
do it. He would say it's not nice and he didnt like tracing it. Hence,
i gave him the rationale that it would be better to do the sums correctly
so that you don't have to trace the line as a punishment and able to
get the tokens to choose what you want. He was able to understand this
but somehow still didnt trace nicely. After a really long time of tracing,
i told him that i would give him a chance to try the worksheet again.
He did better this time round getting 3 correct but still have to do
another cause only 3 correct. And finally i had some really simple
sums for him to do ie 1+2, 1+3. He got 7 right this time round. But
he was quite stressed by then as he really didnt want to do the tracing.
After he got his 4 tokens, he didnt want to do the worksheet when i
told him to.

Conversation: went really well today. This is his most preferred programs now as compared to all other work programs.

Directing: pretty good with this, able to direct me and saying it slowly at the same time

Storytelling: He was able to start with one day, and then. written prompt went well with it.

Following instructions: so much better compared to easy worksheet. He was able to get 6/8.

1) Should i make sure that he really trace it nicely then he can stop doing
it? Cause it seems that he can't really do it nicely even with only a

2)How long do i let him play with the reinforcers if he got all the 4 tokens?
Is it going to be real short like for normal DDT or we can develop
his interest with the reinforcer?

3)How do we take data for the easy worksheet? Do i only give a + if he got
all 10 correct? If that's the case, his data will always be -

4)What should i do if he say he doesnt want to do the easy worksheet? He
did this today. I feel that we should increase his success rate by
giving him real easy questions first and slowly build up

5) For storytelling, do i have to finish the whole story first in
order for him to tell me or can i ask him some questions along the

As Ivan is an much older ASD kid (14 yrs old), we are doing teaching interaction (TI) instead of Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)

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