Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ivan Session 1

Ivan was cool on Friday. He was compliance, had no difficulty listening to me. His reinforcer was actually going to the parks and playing Blokus (a cool boardgame). He got all the ticks to have both reinforcer. As he is a much older kid, I'm trying to develop his interest. He has programs on that

Reading magazine- This is one of it that i'm developing. He seems interested in reading magazine especially on friday as i brought 3 new magazines for him. He even asked me whether he could read it during the weekends. I'm really glad that he enjoys reading it.

Mazes- This is another one of the program in developing interest. He has to go through the maze without touching the boundaries. It may seems easy for regular kid but this is actually quite difficulty for him as he dont really understand that he cannot draw across them.

Word Search- I'm now teaching him to search for only horizontal words. He was pretty good at this on Friday. Keep it up!!

As for his play, i'm teaching him to play Connect4, Monopoly, Scrabble, Blokus. He just have to throw the dice and move for Monopoly. He couldnt really move according to the number on the dice. Sometimes, he may even count the number on the dice wrongly but it's ok cause i know that he will be able to do it someday. As for Connect4, i'm just teaching him to make 4 horizontally and vertically now. He is quite good at it, most probably i can move on to other soon. For now, he just has to get 7 letters for Scrabble.

As i had mentioned earlier, he is studying in a mainstream school. Because of this, i've to teach him how to do some independent work. He has to start immediately, do it quietly, nicely and give it to me when he finishes. If he is able to do all these, he can get all his stars and play his favourite game (Blokus). He was awesome today, managed to get all the stars and played Blokus

we did conversation on Friday too. He has to ask appropriate questions instead of asking questions that he already knew. He was good at this too. In fact, I think that he was really good with all the programs yesterday. Awesome=)

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